Senior Test Engineer(PS:E&E-Lab)
全职 技术


1.Perform test according to standard, test plan and other technical documents independently, within required timeframe, on high professional level; 根据标准、测试计划和其他技术文件,在规定的时间内独立完成测试,并保持较高的专业水平;(30%)

2.Provide training to Test Engineer/ Assistant Test Engineer; 为测试工程师/助理测试工程师提供培训 (20%)

3.To be familiar with and to apply standard work instructions as well as other quality management system documents in daily work; 在日常工作中熟悉并运用标准作业指导书及其他质量管理体系文件; (20%)

4.To be familiar with and to use and maintain the test equipment and tools in accordance with their intended purpose and user's manual; 按照流程和用户手册使用和维护设备和工具(10%)

5.To handle samples and other material needed for testing in accordance with relevant processes and instructions; 按照相关流程和作业指导书处理测试所需的样品和其他物料(10%)

6.Additional tasks assigned by direct supervisor. 直接主管分配的其他任务(10%)


1.College Diploma in Electric engineering or equivalent 大专学历或者以上,机电工程类专业

2.Familiar with product safety testing, it’s better for IEC62368-1. 熟悉电子电气产品质量检验,有IEC62368-1经验者优先

3.At least 3 years working experience in E&E products quality inspection or safety testing 3年以上电子电气类产品质量检验或安全检测工作经验

4.Fluent in Chinese, English is in advanced中文流利,英语较好

5.Hardworking, self-motivated, and having a mind-set of team work and well communication skill. 工作勤奋,上进心强,具有团队合作精神和良好的沟通技巧

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